About Us

Heptagon is a manufacturer and supplier of welding protection, thermal insulation and safety materials. Our factory in China produce and coat fiberglass and silica fabrics, tape, ropes and mats under the brand name, Heptaglas™, Heptatex™, Heptafab™, Heptasil™ etc.

Besides this, Heptagon sources materials from OEM manufacturers all over the world to cater to our customers' requirements. With its long experience in such materials, Heptagon is able to provide a good fit between performance and price for each individual and company. Frankly we do not believe that any one country's manufactured material is the best for the consumer. It is always better to look closely at the customers' needs and provide the best solution and fit.

That is why Heptagon also distributes materials for international companies like Gentex®, Thermal Ceramics and Microtherm®, etc. We think in many cases, our distributed materials are more suitable for certain applications and industries and we will recommend accordingly.

Heptagon believes strongly in testing and obtaining international approvals and standards for all the products we manufacture, as well as distribute. It is one thing to say that the product conforms or is manufactured to a certain standard, but it is really another to have it tested and approved to that standard.

90% of Heptagon manufactured products are tested and approved to at TUV-SUD-PSB (www.tuv-sud-psb.com) fire test standards. Moreover, we are under TUV-SUD PSB Certificate of Conformity program in which we need to subject our tested materials to random sample testing every year. Besides this, a number of our products have also undergone Underwriters Laboratories (UL) www.ul.com testing and certification. Further testing and certification of our products will be pursued to ensure reliability and quality.

Please feel free to contact Heptagon for all your thermal insulation, welding protection and fire safety needs. We also appreciate your comments and feedback on the performance of our products. Tell us how Heptagon can provide good quality materials and Great Service to you!

Tel +65 6316 2318
Fax+65 6316 3356